Sunday 1 December 2013

In My Garden ... in December

What's Coming into Flower

In my garden ... in December the first of the agapanthus are flowering. Yes, I know they are a noxious weed in some places - but I actually have to nurture these! I do love the spectacular display they make in the garden with their huge heads of purple bell like flowers, and I like to use them in the house as a cut flower over Christmas and New Year. They spell Christmas and summer for me!!!

 What I'm Picking

In my garden ... in December I'm still picking broad beans. These seem to be a 'second flush' and are on new growth coming from the base of the plants. The kale is flourishing in the warmer weather and the silverbeet is flourishing and I intend to make our favourite pitta (spanakopita) for Christmas feasting!

What's Growing

In my garden ... in December the plantings in the raised garden bed are growing in spectacular style. I've replanted the bush beans, added a yellow banana capsicum and tucked a pretty lavender to attract the bees into a corner. The sweet corn and climbing flat beans are doing well. I have planted seedlings - pictured lower left - given to me by my mother-in-law. These are a plant/wild weed she stews to make the Greek dish 'horta'. Dressed with lemon juice and a fruity olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper it is a wonderful healthy and rustic dish.


A Promise for Next Year

The oakleaf lettuces are running to seed, as are the Italian parsley plants. As the seeds mature and dry I will be collecting them for planting again next year.

A Problem

In my garden ... in December  I'm having varied success with the tomatoes in pots - but each one is flowering and setting fruit. The Big Red tomato is causing me most concern. Planted in a large pot in premium soil and compost it is flowering and setting fruit however it doesn't look healthy. Many leaves are yellowing and I'm not sure if the problem is soil/nutrient related, insect/disease related or a combination of issues.

Any observations, suggestions or advice would be most welcome! Please - help me save my tomato!!!

What We Won't be Harvesting

In my garden ... in December we won't be picking many peaches. After the windest weather I can remember  - during the critical flowering time - our trusty Anzac peach tree will have very few peaches this year. Usually we have so many I give bagfuls away, make copious quantities of jam, freeze poached slices and halves fore use during the year, and make a peach granita that we all love. We'll miss these things this year! The saying 'feast or famine' springs to mind!

The Saga of the Leaking Pond Continues

In my garden ... in December the pond has developed a leak - again. Earlier this year husband John emptied said pond, and spent days repairing and re-cementing it. This was followed by weeks curing the water, establishing aquatic plants and reintroducing fish. The pond was a picture over winter and spring - then on the first hot day of summer ... the water levels dropped again! Maybe we'll rip it out and ... suggestions anyone!

Over the Fence

Having found the beautiful creeper that covers our fence ripped off, and pushed back into our yard, I'm beginning to think that the neighbours over our back fence don't like the virginian creeper sneaking over the fence and down their side!  In the interests of being a good neighbour I think I will have to become more vigilant with trimming it in future!

A Cheeky Space Filler

Finally, in my garden ... in December nasturtiums continue to come up everywhere and meander through any available space. I do love the splash of colour they bring to the garden with their nodding heads of yellow and orange, and occasionally rust or red - and I use the young leaves in  mixed leaf salads for the peppery flavour they provide.

What are you watching grow in your garden in December!



PS: I welcome you to join me in this series - showcasing your garden and your part of the world. All you need to do is to leave your  blog name, URL, and a comment in my comments box. If your post meets In My Garden requirements I will add your name and blog link to my sidebar. You will need to link your post to this post.

I so look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy your gardening!

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